Fed4FIRE+ is a project under the European Union’s Programme Horizon 2020, offering the largest federation worldwide of Next Generation Internet (NGI) testbeds, which provide open, accessible and reliable facilities supporting a wide variety of different research and innovation communities and initiatives in Europe, including the 5G PPP projects and initiatives.
IS-Wireless was the winner of the Fed4FIRE+, 1st Open Call wit the project entitled: ” LTE eNB Scheduler performance experiments”. The aim of the proposed work was to measure key performance metrics of LTE eNB Scheduler in the environment composed of mulitple, simulateneously connected nodes. The second objective was to test the product with various SDR front-end hardware, provided by the Fed4FIRE infrastructure.
The work related to fulfilling the objectives was essential in terms of investigating the cooperation between OAI stack and LTE eNB Scheduler. The Fed4FIRE+ facility allowed to use the specific hardware in order to support Carrier Aggregation functionality, which is one of the main features implemented in the tested scheduler. Additionally, the performed set of experiments implied verification, improvements and optimization of “aLTErnative”, which is the ISW’s product developed in the eWINE project under H2020 programme.