
Project overview

SMARTY focuses on confidential computing domain, supported by the wirespeed-AI concept incorporated into the network infrastructure. It targets various use-cases within cloud-edge continuum (composed of heterogeneous systems) that assures protection of data-in-transit and data-in-process to offer a trustful fabric that relies on wirespeed AI processes.

Securitization of future networks, among others occurs by employing novel accelerators for quantum resilient communications, confidential computing, software defined perimeters and swarm formation, offering multiple layers of security. Semantic programmability and graph-management are opening doors to drag-and-drop approaches in deploying services in a fast and reliable manner.

SMARTY addresses different key sectors in Europe that will be among the main beneficiaries of the trusted networks: automotive, fintech, telco and industrial settings. The technology proposed in SMARTY will be matured within the lifetime of the project and tested through five use cases. These use-cases are:

  • Use Case 1: Secure on-board electronics in the automotive sector
  • Use Case 2: Secure edge computing platforms for telco-operators
  • Use Case 3: Secure and resilient financial infrastructures
  • Use Case 4: Cooperative perception for driving assist and collaborative traffic
  • Use Case 5: Secure automotive application: edge-based collective perception
    for cooperative ADAS

SMARTY is supported by large European industry players as well as by 13 SMEs which will contribute to develop their products and gain visibility towards demands for digital infrastructures which EU is fostering. SMARTY’s consortium composition is very strong, as it consists of major suppliers, OEMs and reputable academic partners that provide a great opportunity when combined with the 13 SMEs to mature technologies in a challenging but safe environment.


Role of IS-Wireless

IS-Wireless targets modernization of a fully virtualized RAN solution for 6G operating under quantum resilient and secure fabric environments together with interfaces to the virtualized RAN system in order to apply wire-speed AI (WAI) to the realm of 5G/6G systems. It will contribute to designing and proof-of-concept for the confidential computing solutions considered. IS-Wireless will also contribute to the disaggregated RAN scaling schemes aware of security requirements. Moreover the AI-based self-management mechanisms built according to a swarm concept with suitable network telemetry and capability exposure will be considered. As part of the project, IS-Wireless has declared its support within User Case